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Stanley Kubrick’s I Stole $16,000,000 is the epic story, inspired by the true criminal exploits of one Herbert Emerson Wilson—minister turned safecracker—who went on to become one of the most prolific bank robbers in history.


Based on his biography, I Stole $16,000,000, Wilson’s story ranges from Canada to South Africa; from North to South America; to Europe—past the First World War and into the Roaring Twenties. 

The story charts this complex, conflicted character’s descent from a debonair, upstanding god-fearing minister to a broken, retired criminal, seeking penance for a life largely spent on the wrong side of the law.

“Wilson was simply unique: he treated crime as a science and studied it accordingly… No one, either before or since Wilson, has ever reached such a degree of criminal perfection.”

—August Vollmer, President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police

Praise indeed for a man who had received similarly generous acclaim from his church for his preaching...


Production Info

In partnership with the Kubrick Trust.

TVLimited Series


In Development

True CrimeBiographyEpic Drama

Steve LanningPhilip Hobbs